A little before dawn, I slip out of the never-changing, sleeping house. My footprints are as quiet as a timid little mouse. I am careful not to wake the sleeping wraiths that inhabit the moth-eaten walls of the structure. There is just enough light to tell me that the world is still brumous and abundant with darkness. Ignoring, the bloodcurdling screech of the sliding doors, I step outside and climb precariously onto the roof. The shingles are kind this morning. They do not threaten to become loose and let me fall to my death. The dawn becomes exuberant. There is still time before her shining form rises above those craggy hills in the distance. The departing darkness welcomes me. I feel it in the soft, gentle whooshing of the air. My eyes find the heavens and see the celestial orbs still perceptibly luminous. Nodding my head in time to the music my ears, I struggle to seek the imaginary lines that join the stars and present direction to lost ships that only seek land. As time carelessly meanders along, so does the darkness. The clouds are lit and now they burn. They are on fire. The inferno is a beguiling pink-orange. Resplendent. I wave goodbye to the stars as they begin to fade. I promise to see them again soon. They wink back ever so sweetly. The sun is gorgeous today. Rays of her brilliance flare out and paint the canvas of the sky with bright, hopeful, solacing colors. I remove my earbuds as the birds awake. I hear their song. They sing this to welcome the sun. Or, perhaps they sing to their young. The darkness has all but taken its leave. The sun persists in rising. I feel her rays begin to touch me. I breathe in her warmth and feel it resonate within my bones.
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